GCC7 adds -Wimplicit-fallthrough to warn when a switch case falls through, however this causes warnings (which are promoted to errors) with the elfutils patches from Debian for mips and parisc, which use fallthrough's by design. Explicitly mark the intentional fallthrough switch cases with a comment to disable the warnings where the fallthrough behaviour is desired. Upstream-Status: Pending [debian] Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock <joshua.g.lock@intel.com> Index: elfutils-0.168/backends/parisc_retval.c =================================================================== --- elfutils-0.168.orig/backends/parisc_retval.c +++ elfutils-0.168/backends/parisc_retval.c @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ parisc_return_value_location_ (Dwarf_Die return nloc_intregpair; /* Else fall through. */ - } + } // fallthrough case DW_TAG_structure_type: case DW_TAG_class_type: Index: elfutils-0.168/backends/mips_retval.c =================================================================== --- elfutils-0.168.orig/backends/mips_retval.c +++ elfutils-0.168/backends/mips_retval.c @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ mips_return_value_location (Dwarf_Die *f else return nloc_intregpair; } - } + } // fallthrough /* Fallthrough to handle large types */