On older versions of Python, sysconfig read the data from both the Makefile and
the Python.h file generated at build time, created dictionaries with their variables
and used those when using get_config_var(), now it uses _sysconfigdata.build_time_vars[]
which contains information from the HOST, erroneous in our case, this patch reverts this
behavior and uses Python.h and Makefile to get information.

Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [oe-specific]

Signed-off-by: Alejandro Hernandez <alejandro.hernandez@linux.intel.com>

Index: Python-2.7.9/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py
--- Python-2.7.9.orig/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py
+++ Python-2.7.9/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py
@@ -401,12 +401,66 @@ _config_vars = None
 def _init_posix():
     """Initialize the module as appropriate for POSIX systems."""
-    # _sysconfigdata is generated at build time, see the sysconfig module
-    from _sysconfigdata import build_time_vars
-    global _config_vars
-    _config_vars = {}
-    _config_vars.update(build_time_vars)
+    g = {}
+    # load the installed Makefile:
+    try:
+        filename = get_makefile_filename()
+        parse_makefile(filename, g)
+    except IOError, msg:
+        my_msg = "invalid Python installation: unable to open %s" % filename
+        if hasattr(msg, "strerror"):
+            my_msg = my_msg + " (%s)" % msg.strerror
+        raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
+    # load the installed pyconfig.h:
+    try:
+        filename = get_config_h_filename()
+        parse_config_h(file(filename), g)
+    except IOError, msg:
+        my_msg = "invalid Python installation: unable to open %s" % filename
+        if hasattr(msg, "strerror"):
+            my_msg = my_msg + " (%s)" % msg.strerror
+        raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
+    # On AIX, there are wrong paths to the linker scripts in the Makefile
+    # -- these paths are relative to the Python source, but when installed
+    # the scripts are in another directory.
+    if python_build:
+        g['LDSHARED'] = g['BLDSHARED']
+    elif get_python_version() < '2.1':
+        # The following two branches are for 1.5.2 compatibility.
+        if sys.platform == 'aix4':          # what about AIX 3.x ?
+            # Linker script is in the config directory, not in Modules as the
+            # Makefile says.
+            python_lib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=1)
+            ld_so_aix = os.path.join(python_lib, 'config', 'ld_so_aix')
+            python_exp = os.path.join(python_lib, 'config', 'python.exp')
+            g['LDSHARED'] = "%s %s -bI:%s" % (ld_so_aix, g['CC'], python_exp)
+        elif sys.platform == 'beos':
+            # Linker script is in the config directory.  In the Makefile it is
+            # relative to the srcdir, which after installation no longer makes
+            # sense.
+            python_lib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=1)
+            linkerscript_path = string.split(g['LDSHARED'])[0]
+            linkerscript_name = os.path.basename(linkerscript_path)
+            linkerscript = os.path.join(python_lib, 'config',
+                                        linkerscript_name)
+            # XXX this isn't the right place to do this: adding the Python
+            # library to the link, if needed, should be in the "build_ext"
+            # command.  (It's also needed for non-MS compilers on Windows, and
+            # it's taken care of for them by the 'build_ext.get_libraries()'
+            # method.)
+            g['LDSHARED'] = ("%s -L%s/lib -lpython%s" %
+                             (linkerscript, PREFIX, get_python_version()))
+    global _config_vars
+    _config_vars = g
 def _init_nt():
     """Initialize the module as appropriate for NT"""