Sadly cmake is broken. If it sees this reference and ansidecl is present, it will add a dependency upon it, even if HAVE_ANSIDEC_H is never set. The easiest solution is to remove these lines, otherwise recipes like libzypp can have a dependency on the ansidecl.h header via cmake. This can lead to odd results if the header is removed (clean binutils) and then the code is recompiled. RP 2012/7/10 Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [its really a cmake bug] Index: libxml2-2.8.0/include/libxml/ =================================================================== --- libxml2-2.8.0.orig/include/libxml/ 2012-07-10 11:51:52.460750573 +0000 +++ libxml2-2.8.0/include/libxml/ 2012-07-10 11:52:41.436749397 +0000 @@ -401,9 +401,6 @@ #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ -#ifdef HAVE_ANSIDECL_H -#include <ansidecl.h> -#endif /** * ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED: