createrepo: Implement --dbpath command line option

--dbpath option allows to specify path to the directory
with rpm database. By default createrepo uses or creates
rpm database in /var/lib/rpm/

Upstream-Status: Pending

Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <>

--- createrepo-0.4.11.orig/ 2015-03-30 22:18:19.904000000 +0300
+++ createrepo-0.4.11/ 2015-03-30 22:28:49.208000000 +0300
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
      -p, --pretty = output xml files in pretty format.
      --update = update existing metadata (if present)
      -d, --database = generate the sqlite databases.
+     --dbpath <dir> = specify path to rpm db directory.
@@ -72,10 +73,13 @@
 class MetaDataGenerator:
     def __init__(self, cmds):
         self.cmds = cmds
-        self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
         self.pkgcount = 0
         self.files = []
+        if self.cmds['dbpath']:
+            rpm.addMacro("_dbpath", self.cmds['dbpath'])
+        self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
     def _os_path_walk(self, top, func, arg):
         """Directory tree walk with callback function.
          copy of os.path.walk, fixes the link/stating problem
@@ -435,6 +439,7 @@
     cmds['dir-pattern-match'] = ['.*bin\/.*', '^\/etc\/.*']
     cmds['skip-symlinks'] = False
     cmds['pkglist'] = []
+    cmds['dbpath'] = None
         gopts, argsleft = getopt.getopt(args, 'phqVvndg:s:x:u:c:o:CSi:', ['help', 'exclude=',
@@ -442,7 +447,7 @@
                                                                   'baseurl=', 'groupfile=', 'checksum=',
                                                                   'version', 'pretty', 'split', 'outputdir=',
                                                                   'noepoch', 'checkts', 'database', 'update',
-                                                                  'skip-symlinks', 'pkglist='])
+                                                                  'skip-symlinks', 'pkglist=', 'dbpath='])
     except getopt.error, e:
         errorprint(_('Options Error: %s.') % e)
@@ -516,6 +521,8 @@
                 cmds['skip-symlinks'] = True
             elif arg in ['-i', '--pkglist']:
                 cmds['pkglist'] = a
+            elif arg == '--dbpath':
+                cmds['dbpath'] = os.path.realpath(a)
     except ValueError, e:
         errorprint(_('Options Error: %s') % e)