/* * Copyright 2008, Intel Corporation * * This file is part of LatencyTOP * * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: * Arjan van de Ven */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "latencytop.h" GList *lines; GList *procs; GList *allprocs; int total_time = 0; int total_count = 0; unsigned int pid_with_max = 0; unsigned int pidmax = 0; int firsttime = 1; int noui; int dump_unknown; char *prefered_process; static void add_to_global(struct latency_line *line) { GList *item; struct latency_line *line2; item = g_list_first(lines); while (item) { line2 = item->data; item = g_list_next(item); if (strcmp(line->reason, line2->reason)==0) { line2->count += line->count; line2->time += line->time; if (line->max > line2->max) line2->max = line->max; free(line); return; } } lines = g_list_append(lines, line); } static void add_to_process(struct process *process, struct latency_line *line) { GList *item; struct latency_line *line2; item = g_list_first(process->latencies); while (item) { line2 = item->data; item = g_list_next(item); if (strcmp(line->reason, line2->reason)==0) { line2->count += line->count; line2->time += line->time; if (line->max > line2->max) line2->max = line->max; free(line); return; } } process->latencies = g_list_append(process->latencies, line); } static void fixup_reason(struct latency_line *line, char *c) { char *c2; c2 = strchr(c, '\n'); if (c2) *c2=0; while (c[0]==' ') c++; strncpy(line->backtrace, c, 4096); c2 = translate(c); if (c2 == NULL) { line->reason[0] = '['; strncpy(line->reason + 1, c, 1022); for (c2 = line->reason + 1; *c2 && (c2 - line->reason) < 1022; c2++) if (*c2 == ' ') break; *(c2++) = ']'; *(c2++) = 0; } else strncpy(line->reason, c2, 1024); } void parse_global_list(void) { FILE *file; char *ln; size_t dummy; file = fopen("/proc/latency_stats","r+"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "Please enable the CONFIG_LATENCYTOP configuration in your kernel.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Exiting...\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* wipe first line */ ln = NULL; if (getline(&ln, &dummy, file) < 0) { free(ln); fclose(file); return; } free(ln); total_time = 0; total_count = 0; while (!feof(file)) { struct latency_line *line; char *c; ln = NULL; if (getline(&ln, &dummy, file) < 0) { free(ln); break; } if (strlen(ln)<2) { free(ln); break; } line = malloc(sizeof(struct latency_line)); memset(line, 0, sizeof(struct latency_line)); line->count = strtoull(ln, &c, 10); line->time = strtoull(c, &c, 10); line->max = strtoull(c, &c, 10); total_time += line->time; total_count += line->count; fixup_reason(line, c); add_to_global(line); free(ln); ln = NULL; } /* reset for next time */ fprintf(file, "erase\n"); fclose(file); } gint comparef(gconstpointer A, gconstpointer B) { struct latency_line *a, *b; a = (struct latency_line *)A; b = (struct latency_line *)B; if (a->max > b->max) return -1; if (a->max < b->max) return 1; if (a->time > b->time) return -1; if (a->time < b->time) return 1; return -1; } void sort_list(void) { GList *entry; struct latency_line *line; total_time = 0; lines = g_list_sort(lines, comparef); entry = g_list_first(lines); while (entry) { line = entry->data; entry = g_list_next(entry); total_time = total_time + line->time; } } void delete_list(void) { GList *entry, *entry2,*next; struct latency_line *line; struct process *proc; while (lines) { entry = g_list_first(lines); line = entry->data; free(line); lines = g_list_delete_link(lines, entry); } entry = g_list_first(allprocs); while (entry) { next = g_list_next(entry); proc = entry->data; while (proc->latencies) { entry2 = g_list_first(proc->latencies); line = entry2->data; free(line); proc->latencies = g_list_delete_link(proc->latencies, entry2); } proc->max = 0; if (!proc->exists) { free(proc); allprocs = g_list_delete_link(allprocs, entry); } entry = next; } g_list_free(procs); procs = NULL; } void prune_unused_procs(void) { GList *entry, *entry2; struct latency_line *line; struct process *proc; entry = g_list_first(procs); while (entry) { proc = entry->data; entry2 = g_list_next(entry); if (!proc->used) { while (proc->latencies) { entry2 = g_list_first(proc->latencies); line = entry2->data; free(line); proc->latencies = g_list_delete_link(proc->latencies, entry2); } free(proc); procs = g_list_delete_link(procs, entry); } entry = entry2; } } void parse_process(struct process *process) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; char filename[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(filename, "/proc/%i/task/", process->pid); dir = opendir(filename); if (!dir) return; while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) { FILE *file; char *line = NULL; size_t dummy; int pid; if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; pid = strtoull(dirent->d_name, NULL, 10); if (pid<=0) /* not a process */ continue; sprintf(filename, "/proc/%i/task/%i/latency", process->pid, pid); file = fopen(filename, "r+"); if (!file) continue; /* wipe first line*/ if (getline(&line, &dummy, file) < 0) { free(line); continue; } free(line); while (!feof(file)) { struct latency_line *ln; char *c, *c2; line = NULL; if (getline(&line, &dummy, file) < 0) { free(line); break; } if (strlen(line)<2) { free(line); break; } ln = malloc(sizeof(struct latency_line)); memset(ln, 0, sizeof(struct latency_line)); ln->count = strtoull(line, &c, 10); ln->time = strtoull(c, &c, 10); ln->max = strtoull(c, &c, 10); fixup_reason(ln, c); if (ln->max > process->max) process->max = ln->max; add_to_process(process, ln); process->used = 1; free(line); line = NULL; } /* reset for next time */ fprintf(file, "erase\n"); fclose(file); } /* 100 usec minimum */ if (!firsttime) { struct latency_line *ln, *ln2; ln = malloc(sizeof(struct latency_line)); ln2 = malloc(sizeof(struct latency_line)); memset(ln, 0, sizeof(struct latency_line)); if (process->delaycount) ln->count = process->delaycount; else ln->count = 1; if (process->totaldelay > 0.00001) ln->time = process->totaldelay * 1000; else ln->time = process->maxdelay * 1000; ln->max = process->maxdelay * 1000; strcpy(ln->reason, "Scheduler: waiting for cpu"); if (ln->max > process->max) process->max = ln->max; memcpy(ln2, ln, sizeof(struct latency_line)); add_to_process(process, ln); add_to_global(ln2); process->used = 1; } closedir(dir); } struct process* find_create_process(unsigned int pid) { GList *entry; struct process *proc; entry = g_list_first(allprocs); while (entry) { proc = entry->data; if (proc->pid == pid) { return proc; } entry = g_list_next(entry); } proc = malloc(sizeof(struct process)); memset(proc, 0, sizeof(struct process)); proc->pid = pid; allprocs = g_list_append(allprocs, proc); return proc; } void parse_processes(void) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; char filename[PATH_MAX]; struct process *process; pidmax = 0; dir = opendir("/proc"); if (!dir) return; while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) { FILE *file; char *line; size_t dummy; int pid; if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; pid = strtoull(dirent->d_name, NULL, 10); if (pid<=0) /* not a process */ continue; process = find_create_process(pid); process->exists = 1; sprintf(filename, "/proc/%i/status", pid); file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file) { char *q; line = NULL; if (getline(&line, &dummy, file) >= 0) { strncpy(&process->name[0], &line[6], 64); q = strchr(process->name, '\n'); if (q) *q=0; fclose(file); } free(line); line = NULL; } if (process->name && prefered_process && strcmp(process->name, prefered_process)==0) { pid_with_max = pid; pidmax = INT_MAX; } sprintf(filename, "/proc/%i/sched", pid); file = fopen(filename, "r+"); if (file) { char *q; double d; while (!feof(file)) { line = NULL; if (getline(&line, &dummy, file) < 0) { free(line); break; } q = strchr(line, ':'); if (strstr(line, "se.wait_max") && q) { sscanf(q+1,"%lf", &d); process->maxdelay = d; } if (strstr(line, "se.wait_sum") && q) { sscanf(q+1,"%lf", &d); process->totaldelay = d; } if (strstr(line, "se.wait_count") && q) { sscanf(q+1,"%lf", &d); process->delaycount = d; } free(line); line = NULL; } fprintf(file,"erase"); fclose(file); } sprintf(filename, "/proc/%i/statm", pid); file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file) { line = NULL; if (getline(&line, &dummy, file) >= 0) { if (strcmp(line, "0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n")==0) process->kernelthread = 1; } fclose(file); free(line); line = NULL; } parse_process(process); if (process->latencies) { process->latencies = g_list_sort(process->latencies, comparef); if (!process->kernelthread && pidmax < process->max) { pidmax = process->max; pid_with_max = process->pid; } procs = g_list_append(procs, process); }; } closedir(dir); } void dump_global_to_console(void) { GList *item; struct latency_line *line; int i = 0; item = g_list_first(lines); while (item) { line = item->data; item = g_list_next(item); printf( "[max %4.1fmsec] %40s - %5.2f msec (%3.1f%%)\n", line->max * 0.001, line->reason, (line->time * 0.001 +0.0001) / line->count, line->time * 100.0 / total_time ); i++; } } static void enable_sysctl(void) { FILE *file; file = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/latencytop", "w"); if (!file) return; fprintf(file, "1"); fclose(file); } static void disable_sysctl(void) { FILE *file; file = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/latencytop", "w"); if (!file) return; fprintf(file, "0"); fclose(file); } void update_list(void) { delete_list(); parse_processes(); prune_unused_procs(); parse_global_list(); sort_list(); if (!total_time) total_time = 1; firsttime = 0; } static void cleanup_sysctl(void) { disable_sysctl(); disable_fsync_tracer(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, use_gtk = 0; enable_sysctl(); enable_fsync_tracer(); atexit(cleanup_sysctl); #ifdef HAS_GTK_GUI if (preinitialize_gtk_ui(&argc, &argv)) use_gtk = 1; #endif if (!use_gtk) preinitialize_text_ui(&argc, &argv); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0) { init_translations("latencytop.trans"); parse_global_list(); sort_list(); dump_global_to_console(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i], "--unknown") == 0) { noui = 1; dump_unknown = 1; } /* Allow you to specify a process name to track */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] != '-') { prefered_process = strdup(argv[i]); break; } init_translations("/usr/share/latencytop/latencytop.trans"); if (!translations) init_translations("latencytop.trans"); /* for those who don't do make install */ while (noui) { sleep(5); fprintf(stderr, "."); } #ifdef HAS_GTK_GUI if (use_gtk) start_gtk_ui(); else #endif start_text_ui(); prune_unused_procs(); delete_list(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }