Enable platform tag matching workaround in OE.

When installing some LSB packages the 'platform' field in the package
appears to be invalid.  Instead of relying solely on the platform comparison
we also want to generate a perceived platform based on the valid rpm contents
of arch and os.

Upstream-Status: Submitted [RPM5 maintainer]

Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>

Index: rpm-5.4.14/lib/depends.c
--- rpm-5.4.14.orig/lib/depends.c
+++ rpm-5.4.14/lib/depends.c
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ int rpmtsAddInstallElement(rpmts ts, Hea
 	    platform = rpmExpand(arch, "-unknown-", os, NULL);
 	rc = rpmPlatformScore(platform, platpat, nplatpat);
+#if defined(RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA) || defined(RPM_VENDOR_OE)
 	 * If no match on platform tag, we'll try again with arch tag
 	 * in case platform tag is inconsistent with it, which is the case