 * @file cpptoml.h
 * @author Chase Geigle
 * @date May 2013

#ifndef CPPTOML_H
#define CPPTOML_H

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <clocale>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

#if __cplusplus > 201103L
#define CPPTOML_DEPRECATED(reason) [[deprecated(reason)]]
#elif defined(__clang__)
#define CPPTOML_DEPRECATED(reason) __attribute__((deprecated(reason)))
#elif defined(__GNUG__)
#define CPPTOML_DEPRECATED(reason) __attribute__((deprecated))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#if _MSC_VER < 1910
#define CPPTOML_DEPRECATED(reason) __declspec(deprecated)
#define CPPTOML_DEPRECATED(reason) [[deprecated(reason)]]

namespace cpptoml
class writer; // forward declaration
class base;   // forward declaration
#if defined(CPPTOML_USE_MAP)
// a std::map will ensure that entries a sorted, albeit at a slight
// performance penalty relative to the (default) unordered_map
using string_to_base_map = std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<base>>;
// by default an unordered_map is used for best performance as the
// toml specification does not require entries to be sorted
using string_to_base_map
    = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<base>>;

// if defined, `base` will retain type information in form of an enum class
// such that static_cast can be used instead of dynamic_cast
// #define CPPTOML_NO_RTTI

template <class T>
class option
    option() : empty_{true}
        // nothing

    option(T value) : empty_{false}, value_(std::move(value))
        // nothing

    explicit operator bool() const
        return !empty_;

    const T& operator*() const
        return value_;

    const T* operator->() const
        return &value_;

    template <class U>
    T value_or(U&& alternative) const
        if (!empty_)
            return value_;
        return static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(alternative));

    bool empty_;
    T value_;

struct local_date
    int year = 0;
    int month = 0;
    int day = 0;

struct local_time
    int hour = 0;
    int minute = 0;
    int second = 0;
    int microsecond = 0;

struct zone_offset
    int hour_offset = 0;
    int minute_offset = 0;

struct local_datetime : local_date, local_time

struct offset_datetime : local_datetime, zone_offset
    static inline struct offset_datetime from_zoned(const struct tm& t)
        offset_datetime dt;
        dt.year = t.tm_year + 1900;
        dt.month = t.tm_mon + 1;
        dt.day = t.tm_mday;
        dt.hour = t.tm_hour;
        dt.minute = t.tm_min;
        dt.second = t.tm_sec;

        char buf[16];
        strftime(buf, 16, "%z", &t);

        int offset = std::stoi(buf);
        dt.hour_offset = offset / 100;
        dt.minute_offset = offset % 100;
        return dt;

    CPPTOML_DEPRECATED("from_local has been renamed to from_zoned")
    static inline struct offset_datetime from_local(const struct tm& t)
        return from_zoned(t);

    static inline struct offset_datetime from_utc(const struct tm& t)
        offset_datetime dt;
        dt.year = t.tm_year + 1900;
        dt.month = t.tm_mon + 1;
        dt.day = t.tm_mday;
        dt.hour = t.tm_hour;
        dt.minute = t.tm_min;
        dt.second = t.tm_sec;
        return dt;

CPPTOML_DEPRECATED("datetime has been renamed to offset_datetime")
typedef offset_datetime datetime;

class fill_guard
    fill_guard(std::ostream& os) : os_(os), fill_{os.fill()}
        // nothing


    std::ostream& os_;
    std::ostream::char_type fill_;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_date& dt)
    fill_guard g{os};

    using std::setw;
    os << setw(4) << dt.year << "-" << setw(2) << dt.month << "-" << setw(2)
       << dt.day;

    return os;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_time& ltime)
    fill_guard g{os};

    using std::setw;
    os << setw(2) << ltime.hour << ":" << setw(2) << ltime.minute << ":"
       << setw(2) << ltime.second;

    if (ltime.microsecond > 0)
        os << ".";
        int power = 100000;
        for (int curr_us = ltime.microsecond; curr_us; power /= 10)
            auto num = curr_us / power;
            os << num;
            curr_us -= num * power;

    return os;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const zone_offset& zo)
    fill_guard g{os};

    using std::setw;

    if (zo.hour_offset != 0 || zo.minute_offset != 0)
        if (zo.hour_offset > 0)
            os << "+";
            os << "-";
        os << setw(2) << std::abs(zo.hour_offset) << ":" << setw(2)
           << std::abs(zo.minute_offset);
        os << "Z";

    return os;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const local_datetime& dt)
    return os << static_cast<const local_date&>(dt) << "T"
              << static_cast<const local_time&>(dt);

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const offset_datetime& dt)
    return os << static_cast<const local_datetime&>(dt)
              << static_cast<const zone_offset&>(dt);

template <class T, class... Ts>
struct is_one_of;

template <class T, class V>
struct is_one_of<T, V> : std::is_same<T, V>

template <class T, class V, class... Ts>
struct is_one_of<T, V, Ts...>
    const static bool value
        = std::is_same<T, V>::value || is_one_of<T, Ts...>::value;

template <class T>
class value;

template <class T>
struct valid_value
    : is_one_of<T, std::string, int64_t, double, bool, local_date, local_time,
                local_datetime, offset_datetime>

template <class T, class Enable = void>
struct value_traits;

template <class T>
struct valid_value_or_string_convertible

    const static bool value = valid_value<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value
                              || std::is_convertible<T, std::string>::value;

template <class T>
struct value_traits<T, typename std::enable_if<
    using value_type = typename std::conditional<
        valid_value<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value,
        typename std::decay<T>::type, std::string>::type;

    using type = value<value_type>;

    static value_type construct(T&& val)
        return value_type(val);

template <class T>
struct value_traits<
    typename std::enable_if<
        && std::is_floating_point<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value>::type>
    using value_type = typename std::decay<T>::type;

    using type = value<double>;

    static value_type construct(T&& val)
        return value_type(val);

template <class T>
struct value_traits<
    T, typename std::enable_if<
           && !std::is_floating_point<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value
           && std::is_signed<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value>::type>
    using value_type = int64_t;

    using type = value<int64_t>;

    static value_type construct(T&& val)
        if (val < (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min)())
            throw std::underflow_error{"constructed value cannot be "
                                       "represented by a 64-bit signed "

        if (val > (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max)())
            throw std::overflow_error{"constructed value cannot be represented "
                                      "by a 64-bit signed integer"};

        return static_cast<int64_t>(val);

template <class T>
struct value_traits<
    T, typename std::enable_if<
           && std::is_unsigned<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value>::type>
    using value_type = int64_t;

    using type = value<int64_t>;

    static value_type construct(T&& val)
        if (val > static_cast<uint64_t>((std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max)()))
            throw std::overflow_error{"constructed value cannot be represented "
                                      "by a 64-bit signed integer"};

        return static_cast<int64_t>(val);

class array;
class table;
class table_array;

template <class T>
struct array_of_trait
    using return_type = option<std::vector<T>>;

template <>
struct array_of_trait<array>
    using return_type = option<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>>>;

template <class T>
inline std::shared_ptr<typename value_traits<T>::type> make_value(T&& val);
inline std::shared_ptr<array> make_array();

namespace detail
template <class T>
inline std::shared_ptr<T> make_element();

inline std::shared_ptr<table> make_table();
inline std::shared_ptr<table_array> make_table_array(bool is_inline = false);

#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
/// Base type used to store underlying data type explicitly if RTTI is disabled
enum class base_type

/// Type traits class to convert C++ types to enum member
template <class T>
struct base_type_traits;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<std::string>
    static const base_type type = base_type::STRING;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<local_time>
    static const base_type type = base_type::LOCAL_TIME;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<local_date>
    static const base_type type = base_type::LOCAL_DATE;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<local_datetime>
    static const base_type type = base_type::LOCAL_DATETIME;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<offset_datetime>
    static const base_type type = base_type::OFFSET_DATETIME;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<int64_t>
    static const base_type type = base_type::INT;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<double>
    static const base_type type = base_type::FLOAT;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<bool>
    static const base_type type = base_type::BOOL;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<table>
    static const base_type type = base_type::TABLE;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<array>
    static const base_type type = base_type::ARRAY;

template <>
struct base_type_traits<table_array>
    static const base_type type = base_type::TABLE_ARRAY;

 * A generic base TOML value used for type erasure.
class base : public std::enable_shared_from_this<base>
    virtual ~base() = default;

    virtual std::shared_ptr<base> clone() const = 0;

     * Determines if the given TOML element is a value.
    virtual bool is_value() const
        return false;

     * Determines if the given TOML element is a table.
    virtual bool is_table() const
        return false;

     * Converts the TOML element into a table.
    std::shared_ptr<table> as_table()
        if (is_table())
            return std::static_pointer_cast<table>(shared_from_this());
        return nullptr;
     * Determines if the TOML element is an array of "leaf" elements.
    virtual bool is_array() const
        return false;

     * Converts the TOML element to an array.
    std::shared_ptr<array> as_array()
        if (is_array())
            return std::static_pointer_cast<array>(shared_from_this());
        return nullptr;

     * Determines if the given TOML element is an array of tables.
    virtual bool is_table_array() const
        return false;

     * Converts the TOML element into a table array.
    std::shared_ptr<table_array> as_table_array()
        if (is_table_array())
            return std::static_pointer_cast<table_array>(shared_from_this());
        return nullptr;

     * Attempts to coerce the TOML element into a concrete TOML value
     * of type T.
    template <class T>
    std::shared_ptr<value<T>> as();

    template <class T>
    std::shared_ptr<const value<T>> as() const;

    template <class Visitor, class... Args>
    void accept(Visitor&& visitor, Args&&... args) const;

#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    base_type type() const
        return type_;

    base(const base_type t) : type_(t)
        // nothing

    const base_type type_ = base_type::NONE;

        // nothing

 * A concrete TOML value representing the "leaves" of the "tree".
template <class T>
class value : public base
    struct make_shared_enabler
        // nothing; this is a private key accessible only to friends

    template <class U>
    friend std::shared_ptr<typename value_traits<U>::type>
    cpptoml::make_value(U&& val);

    static_assert(valid_value<T>::value, "invalid value type");

    std::shared_ptr<base> clone() const override;

    value(const make_shared_enabler&, const T& val) : value(val)
        // nothing; note that users cannot actually invoke this function
        // because they lack access to the make_shared_enabler.

    bool is_value() const override
        return true;

     * Gets the data associated with this value.
    T& get()
        return data_;

     * Gets the data associated with this value. Const version.
    const T& get() const
        return data_;

    T data_;

     * Constructs a value from the given data.
#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    value(const T& val) : base(base_type_traits<T>::type), data_(val)
    value(const T& val) : data_(val)

    value(const value& val) = delete;
    value& operator=(const value& val) = delete;

template <class T>
std::shared_ptr<typename value_traits<T>::type> make_value(T&& val)
    using value_type = typename value_traits<T>::type;
    using enabler = typename value_type::make_shared_enabler;
    return std::make_shared<value_type>(
        enabler{}, value_traits<T>::construct(std::forward<T>(val)));

template <class T>
inline std::shared_ptr<value<T>> base::as()
#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    if (type() == base_type_traits<T>::type)
        return std::static_pointer_cast<value<T>>(shared_from_this());
        return nullptr;
    return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<value<T>>(shared_from_this());

// special case value<double> to allow getting an integer parameter as a
// double value
template <>
inline std::shared_ptr<value<double>> base::as()
#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    if (type() == base_type::FLOAT)
        return std::static_pointer_cast<value<double>>(shared_from_this());

    if (type() == base_type::INT)
        auto v = std::static_pointer_cast<value<int64_t>>(shared_from_this());
        return make_value<double>(static_cast<double>(v->get()));
    if (auto v = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<value<double>>(shared_from_this()))
        return v;

    if (auto v = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<value<int64_t>>(shared_from_this()))
        return make_value<double>(static_cast<double>(v->get()));

    return nullptr;

template <class T>
inline std::shared_ptr<const value<T>> base::as() const
#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    if (type() == base_type_traits<T>::type)
        return std::static_pointer_cast<const value<T>>(shared_from_this());
        return nullptr;
    return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const value<T>>(shared_from_this());

// special case value<double> to allow getting an integer parameter as a
// double value
template <>
inline std::shared_ptr<const value<double>> base::as() const
#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    if (type() == base_type::FLOAT)
        return std::static_pointer_cast<const value<double>>(

    if (type() == base_type::INT)
        auto v = as<int64_t>();
        // the below has to be a non-const value<double> due to a bug in
        // libc++: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=18843
        return make_value<double>(static_cast<double>(v->get()));
    if (auto v
        = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const value<double>>(shared_from_this()))
        return v;

    if (auto v = as<int64_t>())
        // the below has to be a non-const value<double> due to a bug in
        // libc++: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=18843
        return make_value<double>(static_cast<double>(v->get()));

    return nullptr;

 * Exception class for array insertion errors.
class array_exception : public std::runtime_error
    array_exception(const std::string& err) : std::runtime_error{err}

class array : public base
    friend std::shared_ptr<array> make_array();

    std::shared_ptr<base> clone() const override;

    virtual bool is_array() const override
        return true;

    using size_type = std::size_t;

     * arrays can be iterated over
    using iterator = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<base>>::iterator;

     * arrays can be iterated over.  Const version.
    using const_iterator = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<base>>::const_iterator;

    iterator begin()
        return values_.begin();

    const_iterator begin() const
        return values_.begin();

    iterator end()
        return values_.end();

    const_iterator end() const
        return values_.end();

     * Obtains the array (vector) of base values.
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<base>>& get()
        return values_;

     * Obtains the array (vector) of base values. Const version.
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<base>>& get() const
        return values_;

    std::shared_ptr<base> at(size_t idx) const
        return values_.at(idx);

     * Obtains an array of value<T>s. Note that elements may be
     * nullptr if they cannot be converted to a value<T>.
    template <class T>
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<value<T>>> array_of() const
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<value<T>>> result(values_.size());

        std::transform(values_.begin(), values_.end(), result.begin(),
                       [&](std::shared_ptr<base> v) { return v->as<T>(); });

        return result;

     * Obtains a option<vector<T>>. The option will be empty if the array
     * contains values that are not of type T.
    template <class T>
    inline typename array_of_trait<T>::return_type get_array_of() const
        std::vector<T> result;

        for (const auto& val : values_)
            if (auto v = val->as<T>())
                return {};

        return {std::move(result)};

     * Obtains an array of arrays. Note that elements may be nullptr
     * if they cannot be converted to a array.
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>> nested_array() const
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>> result(values_.size());

        std::transform(values_.begin(), values_.end(), result.begin(),
                       [&](std::shared_ptr<base> v) -> std::shared_ptr<array> {
                           if (v->is_array())
                               return std::static_pointer_cast<array>(v);
                           return std::shared_ptr<array>{};

        return result;

     * Add a value to the end of the array
    template <class T>
    void push_back(const std::shared_ptr<value<T>>& val)
        if (values_.empty() || values_[0]->as<T>())
            throw array_exception{"Arrays must be homogenous."};

     * Add an array to the end of the array
    void push_back(const std::shared_ptr<array>& val)
        if (values_.empty() || values_[0]->is_array())
            throw array_exception{"Arrays must be homogenous."};

     * Convenience function for adding a simple element to the end
     * of the array.
    template <class T>
    void push_back(T&& val, typename value_traits<T>::type* = 0)

     * Insert a value into the array
    template <class T>
    iterator insert(iterator position, const std::shared_ptr<value<T>>& value)
        if (values_.empty() || values_[0]->as<T>())
            return values_.insert(position, value);
            throw array_exception{"Arrays must be homogenous."};

     * Insert an array into the array
    iterator insert(iterator position, const std::shared_ptr<array>& value)
        if (values_.empty() || values_[0]->is_array())
            return values_.insert(position, value);
            throw array_exception{"Arrays must be homogenous."};

     * Convenience function for inserting a simple element in the array
    template <class T>
    iterator insert(iterator position, T&& val,
                    typename value_traits<T>::type* = 0)
        return insert(position, make_value(std::forward<T>(val)));

     * Erase an element from the array
    iterator erase(iterator position)
        return values_.erase(position);

     * Clear the array
    void clear()

     * Reserve space for n values.
    void reserve(size_type n)

#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    array() : base(base_type::ARRAY)
        // empty
    array() = default;

    template <class InputIterator>
    array(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) : values_{begin, end}
        // nothing

    array(const array& obj) = delete;
    array& operator=(const array& obj) = delete;

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<base>> values_;

inline std::shared_ptr<array> make_array()
    struct make_shared_enabler : public array
            // nothing

    return std::make_shared<make_shared_enabler>();

namespace detail
template <>
inline std::shared_ptr<array> make_element<array>()
    return make_array();
} // namespace detail

 * Obtains a option<vector<T>>. The option will be empty if the array
 * contains values that are not of type T.
template <>
inline typename array_of_trait<array>::return_type
array::get_array_of<array>() const
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>> result;

    for (const auto& val : values_)
        if (auto v = val->as_array())
            return {};

    return {std::move(result)};

class table;

class table_array : public base
    friend class table;
    friend std::shared_ptr<table_array> make_table_array(bool);

    std::shared_ptr<base> clone() const override;

    using size_type = std::size_t;

     * arrays can be iterated over
    using iterator = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<table>>::iterator;

     * arrays can be iterated over.  Const version.
    using const_iterator = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<table>>::const_iterator;

    iterator begin()
        return array_.begin();

    const_iterator begin() const
        return array_.begin();

    iterator end()
        return array_.end();

    const_iterator end() const
        return array_.end();

    virtual bool is_table_array() const override
        return true;

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<table>>& get()
        return array_;

    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<table>>& get() const
        return array_;

     * Add a table to the end of the array
    void push_back(const std::shared_ptr<table>& val)

     * Insert a table into the array
    iterator insert(iterator position, const std::shared_ptr<table>& value)
        return array_.insert(position, value);

     * Erase an element from the array
    iterator erase(iterator position)
        return array_.erase(position);

     * Clear the array
    void clear()

     * Reserve space for n tables.
    void reserve(size_type n)

     * Whether or not the table array is declared inline. This mostly
     * matters for parsing, where statically defined arrays cannot be
     * appended to using the array-of-table syntax.
    bool is_inline() const
        return is_inline_;

#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    table_array(bool is_inline = false)
        : base(base_type::TABLE_ARRAY), is_inline_(is_inline)
        // nothing
    table_array(bool is_inline = false) : is_inline_(is_inline)
        // nothing

    table_array(const table_array& obj) = delete;
    table_array& operator=(const table_array& rhs) = delete;

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<table>> array_;
    const bool is_inline_ = false;

inline std::shared_ptr<table_array> make_table_array(bool is_inline)
    struct make_shared_enabler : public table_array
        make_shared_enabler(bool mse_is_inline) : table_array(mse_is_inline)
            // nothing

    return std::make_shared<make_shared_enabler>(is_inline);

namespace detail
template <>
inline std::shared_ptr<table_array> make_element<table_array>()
    return make_table_array(true);
} // namespace detail

// The below are overloads for fetching specific value types out of a value
// where special casting behavior (like bounds checking) is desired

template <class T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value
                            && std::is_signed<T>::value,
get_impl(const std::shared_ptr<base>& elem)
    if (auto v = elem->as<int64_t>())
        if (v->get() < (std::numeric_limits<T>::min)())
            throw std::underflow_error{
                "T cannot represent the value requested in get"};

        if (v->get() > (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)())
            throw std::overflow_error{
                "T cannot represent the value requested in get"};

        return {static_cast<T>(v->get())};
        return {};

template <class T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, bool>::value
                            && std::is_unsigned<T>::value,
get_impl(const std::shared_ptr<base>& elem)
    if (auto v = elem->as<int64_t>())
        if (v->get() < 0)
            throw std::underflow_error{"T cannot store negative value in get"};

        if (static_cast<uint64_t>(v->get()) > (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)())
            throw std::overflow_error{
                "T cannot represent the value requested in get"};

        return {static_cast<T>(v->get())};
        return {};

template <class T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<T>::value
                            || std::is_same<T, bool>::value,
get_impl(const std::shared_ptr<base>& elem)
    if (auto v = elem->as<T>())
        return {v->get()};
        return {};

 * Represents a TOML keytable.
class table : public base
    friend class table_array;
    friend std::shared_ptr<table> make_table();

    std::shared_ptr<base> clone() const override;

     * tables can be iterated over.
    using iterator = string_to_base_map::iterator;

     * tables can be iterated over. Const version.
    using const_iterator = string_to_base_map::const_iterator;

    iterator begin()
        return map_.begin();

    const_iterator begin() const
        return map_.begin();

    iterator end()
        return map_.end();

    const_iterator end() const
        return map_.end();

    bool is_table() const override
        return true;

    bool empty() const
        return map_.empty();

     * Determines if this key table contains the given key.
    bool contains(const std::string& key) const
        return map_.find(key) != map_.end();

     * Determines if this key table contains the given key. Will
     * resolve "qualified keys". Qualified keys are the full access
     * path separated with dots like "grandparent.parent.child".
    bool contains_qualified(const std::string& key) const
        return resolve_qualified(key);

     * Obtains the base for a given key.
     * @throw std::out_of_range if the key does not exist
    std::shared_ptr<base> get(const std::string& key) const
        return map_.at(key);

     * Obtains the base for a given key. Will resolve "qualified
     * keys". Qualified keys are the full access path separated with
     * dots like "grandparent.parent.child".
     * @throw std::out_of_range if the key does not exist
    std::shared_ptr<base> get_qualified(const std::string& key) const
        std::shared_ptr<base> p;
        resolve_qualified(key, &p);
        return p;

     * Obtains a table for a given key, if possible.
    std::shared_ptr<table> get_table(const std::string& key) const
        if (contains(key) && get(key)->is_table())
            return std::static_pointer_cast<table>(get(key));
        return nullptr;

     * Obtains a table for a given key, if possible. Will resolve
     * "qualified keys".
    std::shared_ptr<table> get_table_qualified(const std::string& key) const
        if (contains_qualified(key) && get_qualified(key)->is_table())
            return std::static_pointer_cast<table>(get_qualified(key));
        return nullptr;

     * Obtains an array for a given key.
    std::shared_ptr<array> get_array(const std::string& key) const
        if (!contains(key))
            return nullptr;
        return get(key)->as_array();

     * Obtains an array for a given key. Will resolve "qualified keys".
    std::shared_ptr<array> get_array_qualified(const std::string& key) const
        if (!contains_qualified(key))
            return nullptr;
        return get_qualified(key)->as_array();

     * Obtains a table_array for a given key, if possible.
    std::shared_ptr<table_array> get_table_array(const std::string& key) const
        if (!contains(key))
            return nullptr;
        return get(key)->as_table_array();

     * Obtains a table_array for a given key, if possible. Will resolve
     * "qualified keys".
    get_table_array_qualified(const std::string& key) const
        if (!contains_qualified(key))
            return nullptr;
        return get_qualified(key)->as_table_array();

     * Helper function that attempts to get a value corresponding
     * to the template parameter from a given key.
    template <class T>
    option<T> get_as(const std::string& key) const
            return get_impl<T>(get(key));
        catch (const std::out_of_range&)
            return {};

     * Helper function that attempts to get a value corresponding
     * to the template parameter from a given key. Will resolve "qualified
     * keys".
    template <class T>
    option<T> get_qualified_as(const std::string& key) const
            return get_impl<T>(get_qualified(key));
        catch (const std::out_of_range&)
            return {};

     * Helper function that attempts to get an array of values of a given
     * type corresponding to the template parameter for a given key.
     * If the key doesn't exist, doesn't exist as an array type, or one or
     * more keys inside the array type are not of type T, an empty option
     * is returned. Otherwise, an option containing a vector of the values
     * is returned.
    template <class T>
    inline typename array_of_trait<T>::return_type
    get_array_of(const std::string& key) const
        if (auto v = get_array(key))
            std::vector<T> result;

            for (const auto& b : v->get())
                if (auto val = b->as<T>())
                    return {};
            return {std::move(result)};

        return {};

     * Helper function that attempts to get an array of values of a given
     * type corresponding to the template parameter for a given key. Will
     * resolve "qualified keys".
     * If the key doesn't exist, doesn't exist as an array type, or one or
     * more keys inside the array type are not of type T, an empty option
     * is returned. Otherwise, an option containing a vector of the values
     * is returned.
    template <class T>
    inline typename array_of_trait<T>::return_type
    get_qualified_array_of(const std::string& key) const
        if (auto v = get_array_qualified(key))
            std::vector<T> result;

            for (const auto& b : v->get())
                if (auto val = b->as<T>())
                    return {};
            return {std::move(result)};

        return {};

     * Adds an element to the keytable.
    void insert(const std::string& key, const std::shared_ptr<base>& value)
        map_[key] = value;

     * Convenience shorthand for adding a simple element to the
     * keytable.
    template <class T>
    void insert(const std::string& key, T&& val,
                typename value_traits<T>::type* = 0)
        insert(key, make_value(std::forward<T>(val)));

     * Removes an element from the table.
    void erase(const std::string& key)

#if defined(CPPTOML_NO_RTTI)
    table() : base(base_type::TABLE)
        // nothing
        // nothing

    table(const table& obj) = delete;
    table& operator=(const table& rhs) = delete;

    std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& value,
                                   char separator) const
        std::vector<std::string> result;
        std::string::size_type p = 0;
        std::string::size_type q;
        while ((q = value.find(separator, p)) != std::string::npos)
            result.emplace_back(value, p, q - p);
            p = q + 1;
        result.emplace_back(value, p);
        return result;

    // If output parameter p is specified, fill it with the pointer to the
    // specified entry and throw std::out_of_range if it couldn't be found.
    // Otherwise, just return true if the entry could be found or false
    // otherwise and do not throw.
    bool resolve_qualified(const std::string& key,
                           std::shared_ptr<base>* p = nullptr) const
        auto parts = split(key, '.');
        auto last_key = parts.back();

        auto cur_table = this;
        for (const auto& part : parts)
            cur_table = cur_table->get_table(part).get();
            if (!cur_table)
                if (!p)
                    return false;

                throw std::out_of_range{key + " is not a valid key"};

        if (!p)
            return cur_table->map_.count(last_key) != 0;

        *p = cur_table->map_.at(last_key);
        return true;

    string_to_base_map map_;

 * Helper function that attempts to get an array of arrays for a given
 * key.
 * If the key doesn't exist, doesn't exist as an array type, or one or
 * more keys inside the array type are not of type T, an empty option
 * is returned. Otherwise, an option containing a vector of the values
 * is returned.
template <>
inline typename array_of_trait<array>::return_type
table::get_array_of<array>(const std::string& key) const
    if (auto v = get_array(key))
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>> result;

        for (const auto& b : v->get())
            if (auto val = b->as_array())
                return {};

        return {std::move(result)};

    return {};

 * Helper function that attempts to get an array of arrays for a given
 * key. Will resolve "qualified keys".
 * If the key doesn't exist, doesn't exist as an array type, or one or
 * more keys inside the array type are not of type T, an empty option
 * is returned. Otherwise, an option containing a vector of the values
 * is returned.
template <>
inline typename array_of_trait<array>::return_type
table::get_qualified_array_of<array>(const std::string& key) const
    if (auto v = get_array_qualified(key))
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<array>> result;

        for (const auto& b : v->get())
            if (auto val = b->as_array())
                return {};

        return {std::move(result)};

    return {};

std::shared_ptr<table> make_table()
    struct make_shared_enabler : public table
            // nothing

    return std::make_shared<make_shared_enabler>();

namespace detail
template <>
inline std::shared_ptr<table> make_element<table>()
    return make_table();
} // namespace detail

template <class T>
std::shared_ptr<base> value<T>::clone() const
    return make_value(data_);

inline std::shared_ptr<base> array::clone() const
    auto result = make_array();
    for (const auto& ptr : values_)
    return result;

inline std::shared_ptr<base> table_array::clone() const
    auto result = make_table_array(is_inline());
    for (const auto& ptr : array_)
    return result;

inline std::shared_ptr<base> table::clone() const
    auto result = make_table();
    for (const auto& pr : map_)
        result->insert(pr.first, pr.second->clone());
    return result;

 * Exception class for all TOML parsing errors.
class parse_exception : public std::runtime_error
    parse_exception(const std::string& err) : std::runtime_error{err}

    parse_exception(const std::string& err, std::size_t line_number)
        : std::runtime_error{err + " at line " + std::to_string(line_number)}

inline bool is_number(char c)
    return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

inline bool is_hex(char c)
    return is_number(c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F');

 * Helper object for consuming expected characters.
template <class OnError>
class consumer
    consumer(std::string::iterator& it, const std::string::iterator& end,
             OnError&& on_error)
        : it_(it), end_(end), on_error_(std::forward<OnError>(on_error))
        // nothing

    void operator()(char c)
        if (it_ == end_ || *it_ != c)

    template <std::size_t N>
    void operator()(const char (&str)[N])
        std::for_each(std::begin(str), std::end(str) - 1,
                      [&](char c) { (*this)(c); });

    void eat_or(char a, char b)
        if (it_ == end_ || (*it_ != a && *it_ != b))

    int eat_digits(int len)
        int val = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            if (!is_number(*it_) || it_ == end_)
            val = 10 * val + (*it_++ - '0');
        return val;

    void error()

    std::string::iterator& it_;
    const std::string::iterator& end_;
    OnError on_error_;

template <class OnError>
consumer<OnError> make_consumer(std::string::iterator& it,
                                const std::string::iterator& end,
                                OnError&& on_error)
    return consumer<OnError>(it, end, std::forward<OnError>(on_error));

// replacement for std::getline to handle incorrectly line-ended files
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089231/getting-std-ifstream-to-handle-lf-cr-and-crlf
namespace detail
inline std::istream& getline(std::istream& input, std::string& line)

    std::istream::sentry sentry{input, true};
    auto sb = input.rdbuf();

    while (true)
        auto c = sb->sbumpc();
        if (c == '\r')
            if (sb->sgetc() == '\n')
                c = sb->sbumpc();

        if (c == '\n')
            return input;

        if (c == std::istream::traits_type::eof())
            if (line.empty())
            return input;

} // namespace detail

 * The parser class.
class parser
     * Parsers are constructed from streams.
    parser(std::istream& stream) : input_(stream)
        // nothing

    parser& operator=(const parser& parser) = delete;

     * Parses the stream this parser was created on until EOF.
     * @throw parse_exception if there are errors in parsing
    std::shared_ptr<table> parse()
        std::shared_ptr<table> root = make_table();

        table* curr_table = root.get();

        while (detail::getline(input_, line_))
            auto it = line_.begin();
            auto end = line_.end();
            consume_whitespace(it, end);
            if (it == end || *it == '#')
            if (*it == '[')
                curr_table = root.get();
                parse_table(it, end, curr_table);
                parse_key_value(it, end, curr_table);
                consume_whitespace(it, end);
                eol_or_comment(it, end);
        return root;

#if defined _MSC_VER
#elif defined __GNUC__
        void throw_parse_exception(const std::string& err)
        throw parse_exception{err, line_number_};

    void parse_table(std::string::iterator& it,
                     const std::string::iterator& end, table*& curr_table)
        // remove the beginning keytable marker
        if (it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Unexpected end of table");
        if (*it == '[')
            parse_table_array(it, end, curr_table);
            parse_single_table(it, end, curr_table);

    void parse_single_table(std::string::iterator& it,
                            const std::string::iterator& end,
                            table*& curr_table)
        if (it == end || *it == ']')
            throw_parse_exception("Table name cannot be empty");

        std::string full_table_name;
        bool inserted = false;

        auto key_end = [](char c) { return c == ']'; };

        auto key_part_handler = [&](const std::string& part) {
            if (part.empty())
                throw_parse_exception("Empty component of table name");

            if (!full_table_name.empty())
                full_table_name += '.';
            full_table_name += part;

            if (curr_table->contains(part))
#if !defined(__PGI)
                auto b = curr_table->get(part);
                // Workaround for PGI compiler
                std::shared_ptr<base> b = curr_table->get(part);
                if (b->is_table())
                    curr_table = static_cast<table*>(b.get());
                else if (b->is_table_array())
                    curr_table = std::static_pointer_cast<table_array>(b)
                    throw_parse_exception("Key " + full_table_name
                                          + "already exists as a value");
                inserted = true;
                curr_table->insert(part, make_table());
                curr_table = static_cast<table*>(curr_table->get(part).get());

        key_part_handler(parse_key(it, end, key_end, key_part_handler));

        if (it == end)
                "Unterminated table declaration; did you forget a ']'?");

        if (*it != ']')
            std::string errmsg{"Unexpected character in table definition: "};
            errmsg += '"';
            errmsg += *it;
            errmsg += '"';

        // table already existed
        if (!inserted)
            auto is_value
                = [](const std::pair<const std::string&,
                                     const std::shared_ptr<base>&>& p) {
                      return p.second->is_value();

            // if there are any values, we can't add values to this table
            // since it has already been defined. If there aren't any
            // values, then it was implicitly created by something like
            // [a.b]
            if (curr_table->empty()
                || std::any_of(curr_table->begin(), curr_table->end(),
                throw_parse_exception("Redefinition of table "
                                      + full_table_name);

        consume_whitespace(it, end);
        eol_or_comment(it, end);

    void parse_table_array(std::string::iterator& it,
                           const std::string::iterator& end, table*& curr_table)
        if (it == end || *it == ']')
            throw_parse_exception("Table array name cannot be empty");

        auto key_end = [](char c) { return c == ']'; };

        std::string full_ta_name;
        auto key_part_handler = [&](const std::string& part) {
            if (part.empty())
                throw_parse_exception("Empty component of table array name");

            if (!full_ta_name.empty())
                full_ta_name += '.';
            full_ta_name += part;

            if (curr_table->contains(part))
#if !defined(__PGI)
                auto b = curr_table->get(part);
                // Workaround for PGI compiler
                std::shared_ptr<base> b = curr_table->get(part);

                // if this is the end of the table array name, add an
                // element to the table array that we just looked up,
                // provided it was not declared inline
                if (it != end && *it == ']')
                    if (!b->is_table_array())
                        throw_parse_exception("Key " + full_ta_name
                                              + " is not a table array");

                    auto v = b->as_table_array();

                    if (v->is_inline())
                        throw_parse_exception("Static array " + full_ta_name
                                              + " cannot be appended to");

                    curr_table = v->get().back().get();
                // otherwise, just keep traversing down the key name
                    if (b->is_table())
                        curr_table = static_cast<table*>(b.get());
                    else if (b->is_table_array())
                        curr_table = std::static_pointer_cast<table_array>(b)
                        throw_parse_exception("Key " + full_ta_name
                                              + " already exists as a value");
                // if this is the end of the table array name, add a new
                // table array and a new table inside that array for us to
                // add keys to next
                if (it != end && *it == ']')
                    curr_table->insert(part, make_table_array());
                    auto arr = std::static_pointer_cast<table_array>(
                    curr_table = arr->get().back().get();
                // otherwise, create the implicitly defined table and move
                // down to it
                    curr_table->insert(part, make_table());
                        = static_cast<table*>(curr_table->get(part).get());

        key_part_handler(parse_key(it, end, key_end, key_part_handler));

        // consume the last "]]"
        auto eat = make_consumer(it, end, [this]() {
            throw_parse_exception("Unterminated table array name");

        consume_whitespace(it, end);
        eol_or_comment(it, end);

    void parse_key_value(std::string::iterator& it, std::string::iterator& end,
                         table* curr_table)
        auto key_end = [](char c) { return c == '='; };

        auto key_part_handler = [&](const std::string& part) {
            // two cases: this key part exists already, in which case it must
            // be a table, or it doesn't exist in which case we must create
            // an implicitly defined table
            if (curr_table->contains(part))
                auto val = curr_table->get(part);
                if (val->is_table())
                    curr_table = static_cast<table*>(val.get());
                    throw_parse_exception("Key " + part
                                          + " already exists as a value");
                auto newtable = make_table();
                curr_table->insert(part, newtable);
                curr_table = newtable.get();

        auto key = parse_key(it, end, key_end, key_part_handler);

        if (curr_table->contains(key))
            throw_parse_exception("Key " + key + " already present");
        if (it == end || *it != '=')
            throw_parse_exception("Value must follow after a '='");
        consume_whitespace(it, end);
        curr_table->insert(key, parse_value(it, end));
        consume_whitespace(it, end);

    template <class KeyEndFinder, class KeyPartHandler>
    parse_key(std::string::iterator& it, const std::string::iterator& end,
              KeyEndFinder&& key_end, KeyPartHandler&& key_part_handler)
        // parse the key as a series of one or more simple-keys joined with '.'
        while (it != end && !key_end(*it))
            auto part = parse_simple_key(it, end);
            consume_whitespace(it, end);

            if (it == end || key_end(*it))
                return part;

            if (*it != '.')
                std::string errmsg{"Unexpected character in key: "};
                errmsg += '"';
                errmsg += *it;
                errmsg += '"';


            // consume the dot

        throw_parse_exception("Unexpected end of key");

    std::string parse_simple_key(std::string::iterator& it,
                                 const std::string::iterator& end)
        consume_whitespace(it, end);

        if (it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Unexpected end of key (blank key?)");

        if (*it == '"' || *it == '\'')
            return string_literal(it, end, *it);
            auto bke = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) {
                return c == '.' || c == '=' || c == ']';
            return parse_bare_key(it, bke);

    std::string parse_bare_key(std::string::iterator& it,
                               const std::string::iterator& end)
        if (it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Bare key missing name");

        auto key_end = end;
        consume_backwards_whitespace(key_end, it);
        std::string key{it, key_end};

        if (std::find(it, key_end, '#') != key_end)
            throw_parse_exception("Bare key " + key + " cannot contain #");

        if (std::find_if(it, key_end,
                         [](char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; })
            != key_end)
            throw_parse_exception("Bare key " + key
                                  + " cannot contain whitespace");

        if (std::find_if(it, key_end,
                         [](char c) { return c == '[' || c == ']'; })
            != key_end)
            throw_parse_exception("Bare key " + key
                                  + " cannot contain '[' or ']'");

        it = end;
        return key;

    enum class parse_type
        STRING = 1,

    std::shared_ptr<base> parse_value(std::string::iterator& it,
                                      std::string::iterator& end)
        parse_type type = determine_value_type(it, end);
        switch (type)
            case parse_type::STRING:
                return parse_string(it, end);
            case parse_type::LOCAL_TIME:
                return parse_time(it, end);
            case parse_type::LOCAL_DATE:
            case parse_type::LOCAL_DATETIME:
            case parse_type::OFFSET_DATETIME:
                return parse_date(it, end);
            case parse_type::INT:
            case parse_type::FLOAT:
                return parse_number(it, end);
            case parse_type::BOOL:
                return parse_bool(it, end);
            case parse_type::ARRAY:
                return parse_array(it, end);
            case parse_type::INLINE_TABLE:
                return parse_inline_table(it, end);
                throw_parse_exception("Failed to parse value");

    parse_type determine_value_type(const std::string::iterator& it,
                                    const std::string::iterator& end)
        if (it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Failed to parse value type");
        if (*it == '"' || *it == '\'')
            return parse_type::STRING;
        else if (is_time(it, end))
            return parse_type::LOCAL_TIME;
        else if (auto dtype = date_type(it, end))
            return *dtype;
        else if (is_number(*it) || *it == '-' || *it == '+'
                 || (*it == 'i' && it + 1 != end && it[1] == 'n'
                     && it + 2 != end && it[2] == 'f')
                 || (*it == 'n' && it + 1 != end && it[1] == 'a'
                     && it + 2 != end && it[2] == 'n'))
            return determine_number_type(it, end);
        else if (*it == 't' || *it == 'f')
            return parse_type::BOOL;
        else if (*it == '[')
            return parse_type::ARRAY;
        else if (*it == '{')
            return parse_type::INLINE_TABLE;
        throw_parse_exception("Failed to parse value type");

    parse_type determine_number_type(const std::string::iterator& it,
                                     const std::string::iterator& end)
        // determine if we are an integer or a float
        auto check_it = it;
        if (*check_it == '-' || *check_it == '+')

        if (check_it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed number");

        if (*check_it == 'i' || *check_it == 'n')
            return parse_type::FLOAT;

        while (check_it != end && is_number(*check_it))
        if (check_it != end && *check_it == '.')
            while (check_it != end && is_number(*check_it))
            return parse_type::FLOAT;
            return parse_type::INT;

    std::shared_ptr<value<std::string>> parse_string(std::string::iterator& it,
                                                     std::string::iterator& end)
        auto delim = *it;
        assert(delim == '"' || delim == '\'');

        // end is non-const here because we have to be able to potentially
        // parse multiple lines in a string, not just one
        auto check_it = it;
        if (check_it != end && *check_it == delim)
            if (check_it != end && *check_it == delim)
                it = ++check_it;
                return parse_multiline_string(it, end, delim);
        return make_value<std::string>(string_literal(it, end, delim));

    parse_multiline_string(std::string::iterator& it,
                           std::string::iterator& end, char delim)
        std::stringstream ss;

        auto is_ws = [](char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; };

        bool consuming = false;
        std::shared_ptr<value<std::string>> ret;

        auto handle_line = [&](std::string::iterator& local_it,
                               std::string::iterator& local_end) {
            if (consuming)
                local_it = std::find_if_not(local_it, local_end, is_ws);

                // whole line is whitespace
                if (local_it == local_end)

            consuming = false;

            while (local_it != local_end)
                // handle escaped characters
                if (delim == '"' && *local_it == '\\')
                    auto check = local_it;
                    // check if this is an actual escape sequence or a
                    // whitespace escaping backslash
                    consume_whitespace(check, local_end);
                    if (check == local_end)
                        consuming = true;

                    ss << parse_escape_code(local_it, local_end);

                // if we can end the string
                if (std::distance(local_it, local_end) >= 3)
                    auto check = local_it;
                    // check for """
                    if (*check++ == delim && *check++ == delim
                        && *check++ == delim)
                        local_it = check;
                        ret = make_value<std::string>(ss.str());

                ss << *local_it++;

        // handle the remainder of the current line
        handle_line(it, end);
        if (ret)
            return ret;

        // start eating lines
        while (detail::getline(input_, line_))

            it = line_.begin();
            end = line_.end();

            handle_line(it, end);

            if (ret)
                return ret;

            if (!consuming)
                ss << std::endl;

        throw_parse_exception("Unterminated multi-line basic string");

    std::string string_literal(std::string::iterator& it,
                               const std::string::iterator& end, char delim)
        std::string val;
        while (it != end)
            // handle escaped characters
            if (delim == '"' && *it == '\\')
                val += parse_escape_code(it, end);
            else if (*it == delim)
                consume_whitespace(it, end);
                return val;
                val += *it++;
        throw_parse_exception("Unterminated string literal");

    std::string parse_escape_code(std::string::iterator& it,
                                  const std::string::iterator& end)
        if (it == end)
            throw_parse_exception("Invalid escape sequence");
        char value;
        if (*it == 'b')
            value = '\b';
        else if (*it == 't')
            value = '\t';
        else if (*it == 'n')
            value = '\n';
        else if (*it == 'f')
            value = '\f';
        else if (*it == 'r')
            value = '\r';
        else if (*it == '"')
            value = '"';
        else if (*it == '\\')
            value = '\\';
        else if (*it == 'u' || *it == 'U')
            return parse_unicode(it, end);
            throw_parse_exception("Invalid escape sequence");
        return std::string(1, value);

    std::string parse_unicode(std::string::iterator& it,
                              const std::string::iterator& end)
        bool large = *it++ == 'U';
        auto codepoint = parse_hex(it, end, large ? 0x10000000 : 0x1000);

        if ((codepoint > 0xd7ff && codepoint < 0xe000) || codepoint > 0x10ffff)
                "Unicode escape sequence is not a Unicode scalar value");

        std::string result;
        // See Table 3-6 of the Unicode standard
        if (codepoint <= 0x7f)
            // 1-byte codepoints: 00000000 0xxxxxxx
            // repr: 0xxxxxxx
            result += static_cast<char>(codepoint & 0x7f);
        else if (codepoint <= 0x7ff)
            // 2-byte codepoints: 00000yyy yyxxxxxx
            // repr: 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
            // 0x1f = 00011111
            // 0xc0 = 11000000
            result += static_cast<char>(0xc0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f));
            // 0x80 = 10000000
            // 0x3f = 00111111
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f));
        else if (codepoint <= 0xffff)
            // 3-byte codepoints: zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
            // repr: 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
            // 0xe0 = 11100000
            // 0x0f = 00001111
            result += static_cast<char>(0xe0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x0f));
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f));
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f));
            // 4-byte codepoints: 000uuuuu zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
            // repr: 11110uuu 10uuzzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
            // 0xf0 = 11110000
            // 0x07 = 00000111
            result += static_cast<char>(0xf0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x07));
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f));
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f));
            result += static_cast<char>(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f));
        return result;

    uint32_t parse_hex(std::string::iterator& it,
                       const std::string::iterator& end, uint32_t place)
        uint32_t value = 0;
        while (place > 0)
            if (it == end)
                throw_parse_exception("Unexpected end of unicode sequence");

            if (!is_hex(*it))
                throw_parse_exception("Invalid unicode escape sequence");

            value += place * hex_to_digit(*it++);
            place /= 16;
        return value;

    uint32_t hex_to_digit(char c)
        if (is_number(c))
            return static_cast<uint32_t>(c - '0');
        return 10
               + static_cast<uint32_t>(c
                                       - ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ? 'a' : 'A'));

    std::shared_ptr<base> parse_number(std::string::iterator& it,
                                       const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto check_it = it;
        auto check_end = find_end_of_number(it, end);

        auto eat_sign = [&]() {
            if (check_it != end && (*check_it == '-' || *check_it == '+'))

        auto check_no_leading_zero = [&]() {
            if (check_it != end && *check_it == '0' && check_it + 1 != check_end
                && check_it[1] != '.')
                throw_parse_exception("Numbers may not have leading zeros");

        auto eat_digits = [&](bool (*check_char)(char)) {
            auto beg = check_it;
            while (check_it != end && check_char(*check_it))
                if (check_it != end && *check_it == '_')
                    if (check_it == end || !check_char(*check_it))
                        throw_parse_exception("Malformed number");

            if (check_it == beg)
                throw_parse_exception("Malformed number");

        auto eat_hex = [&]() { eat_digits(&is_hex); };

        auto eat_numbers = [&]() { eat_digits(&is_number); };

        if (check_it != end && *check_it == '0' && check_it + 1 != check_end
            && (check_it[1] == 'x' || check_it[1] == 'o' || check_it[1] == 'b'))
            char base = *check_it;
            if (base == 'x')
                return parse_int(it, check_it, 16);
            else if (base == 'o')
                auto start = check_it;
                auto val = parse_int(start, check_it, 8, "0");
                it = start;
                return val;
            else // if (base == 'b')
                auto start = check_it;
                auto val = parse_int(start, check_it, 2);
                it = start;
                return val;


        if (check_it != end && check_it + 1 != end && check_it + 2 != end)
            if (check_it[0] == 'i' && check_it[1] == 'n' && check_it[2] == 'f')
                auto val = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
                if (*it == '-')
                    val = -val;
                it = check_it + 3;
                return make_value(val);
            else if (check_it[0] == 'n' && check_it[1] == 'a'
                     && check_it[2] == 'n')
                auto val = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
                if (*it == '-')
                    val = -val;
                it = check_it + 3;
                return make_value(val);


        if (check_it != end
            && (*check_it == '.' || *check_it == 'e' || *check_it == 'E'))
            bool is_exp = *check_it == 'e' || *check_it == 'E';

            if (check_it == end)
                throw_parse_exception("Floats must have trailing digits");

            auto eat_exp = [&]() {

            if (is_exp)

            if (!is_exp && check_it != end
                && (*check_it == 'e' || *check_it == 'E'))

            return parse_float(it, check_it);
            return parse_int(it, check_it);

    std::shared_ptr<value<int64_t>> parse_int(std::string::iterator& it,
                                              const std::string::iterator& end,
                                              int base = 10,
                                              const char* prefix = "")
        std::string v{it, end};
        v = prefix + v;
        v.erase(std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), '_'), v.end());
        it = end;
            return make_value<int64_t>(std::stoll(v, nullptr, base));
        catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed number (invalid argument: "
                                  + std::string{ex.what()} + ")");
        catch (const std::out_of_range& ex)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed number (out of range: "
                                  + std::string{ex.what()} + ")");

    std::shared_ptr<value<double>> parse_float(std::string::iterator& it,
                                               const std::string::iterator& end)
        std::string v{it, end};
        v.erase(std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), '_'), v.end());
        it = end;
        char decimal_point = std::localeconv()->decimal_point[0];
        std::replace(v.begin(), v.end(), '.', decimal_point);
            return make_value<double>(std::stod(v));
        catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed number (invalid argument: "
                                  + std::string{ex.what()} + ")");
        catch (const std::out_of_range& ex)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed number (out of range: "
                                  + std::string{ex.what()} + ")");

    std::shared_ptr<value<bool>> parse_bool(std::string::iterator& it,
                                            const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto eat = make_consumer(it, end, [this]() {
            throw_parse_exception("Attempted to parse invalid boolean value");

        if (*it == 't')
            return make_value<bool>(true);
        else if (*it == 'f')
            return make_value<bool>(false);

        return nullptr;

    std::string::iterator find_end_of_number(std::string::iterator it,
                                             std::string::iterator end)
        auto ret = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) {
            return !is_number(c) && c != '_' && c != '.' && c != 'e' && c != 'E'
                   && c != '-' && c != '+' && c != 'x' && c != 'o' && c != 'b';
        if (ret != end && ret + 1 != end && ret + 2 != end)
            if ((ret[0] == 'i' && ret[1] == 'n' && ret[2] == 'f')
                || (ret[0] == 'n' && ret[1] == 'a' && ret[2] == 'n'))
                ret = ret + 3;
        return ret;

    std::string::iterator find_end_of_date(std::string::iterator it,
                                           std::string::iterator end)
        auto end_of_date = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) {
            return !is_number(c) && c != '-';
        if (end_of_date != end && *end_of_date == ' ' && end_of_date + 1 != end
            && is_number(end_of_date[1]))
        return std::find_if(end_of_date, end, [](char c) {
            return !is_number(c) && c != 'T' && c != 'Z' && c != ':'
                   && c != '-' && c != '+' && c != '.';

    std::string::iterator find_end_of_time(std::string::iterator it,
                                           std::string::iterator end)
        return std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) {
            return !is_number(c) && c != ':' && c != '.';

    local_time read_time(std::string::iterator& it,
                         const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto time_end = find_end_of_time(it, end);

        auto eat = make_consumer(
            it, time_end, [&]() { throw_parse_exception("Malformed time"); });

        local_time ltime;

        ltime.hour = eat.eat_digits(2);
        ltime.minute = eat.eat_digits(2);
        ltime.second = eat.eat_digits(2);

        int power = 100000;
        if (it != time_end && *it == '.')
            while (it != time_end && is_number(*it))
                ltime.microsecond += power * (*it++ - '0');
                power /= 10;

        if (it != time_end)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed time");

        return ltime;

    parse_time(std::string::iterator& it, const std::string::iterator& end)
        return make_value(read_time(it, end));

    std::shared_ptr<base> parse_date(std::string::iterator& it,
                                     const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto date_end = find_end_of_date(it, end);

        auto eat = make_consumer(
            it, date_end, [&]() { throw_parse_exception("Malformed date"); });

        local_date ldate;
        ldate.year = eat.eat_digits(4);
        ldate.month = eat.eat_digits(2);
        ldate.day = eat.eat_digits(2);

        if (it == date_end)
            return make_value(ldate);

        eat.eat_or('T', ' ');

        local_datetime ldt;
        static_cast<local_date&>(ldt) = ldate;
        static_cast<local_time&>(ldt) = read_time(it, date_end);

        if (it == date_end)
            return make_value(ldt);

        offset_datetime dt;
        static_cast<local_datetime&>(dt) = ldt;

        int hoff = 0;
        int moff = 0;
        if (*it == '+' || *it == '-')
            auto plus = *it == '+';

            hoff = eat.eat_digits(2);
            dt.hour_offset = (plus) ? hoff : -hoff;
            moff = eat.eat_digits(2);
            dt.minute_offset = (plus) ? moff : -moff;
        else if (*it == 'Z')

        if (it != date_end)
            throw_parse_exception("Malformed date");

        return make_value(dt);

    std::shared_ptr<base> parse_array(std::string::iterator& it,
                                      std::string::iterator& end)
        // this gets ugly because of the "homogeneity" restriction:
        // arrays can either be of only one type, or contain arrays
        // (each of those arrays could be of different types, though)
        // because of the latter portion, we don't really have a choice
        // but to represent them as arrays of base values...

        // ugh---have to read the first value to determine array type...
        skip_whitespace_and_comments(it, end);

        // edge case---empty array
        if (*it == ']')
            return make_array();

        auto val_end = std::find_if(
            it, end, [](char c) { return c == ',' || c == ']' || c == '#'; });
        parse_type type = determine_value_type(it, val_end);
        switch (type)
            case parse_type::STRING:
                return parse_value_array<std::string>(it, end);
            case parse_type::LOCAL_TIME:
                return parse_value_array<local_time>(it, end);
            case parse_type::LOCAL_DATE:
                return parse_value_array<local_date>(it, end);
            case parse_type::LOCAL_DATETIME:
                return parse_value_array<local_datetime>(it, end);
            case parse_type::OFFSET_DATETIME:
                return parse_value_array<offset_datetime>(it, end);
            case parse_type::INT:
                return parse_value_array<int64_t>(it, end);
            case parse_type::FLOAT:
                return parse_value_array<double>(it, end);
            case parse_type::BOOL:
                return parse_value_array<bool>(it, end);
            case parse_type::ARRAY:
                return parse_object_array<array>(&parser::parse_array, '[', it,
            case parse_type::INLINE_TABLE:
                return parse_object_array<table_array>(
                    &parser::parse_inline_table, '{', it, end);
                throw_parse_exception("Unable to parse array");

    template <class Value>
    std::shared_ptr<array> parse_value_array(std::string::iterator& it,
                                             std::string::iterator& end)
        auto arr = make_array();
        while (it != end && *it != ']')
            auto val = parse_value(it, end);
            if (auto v = val->as<Value>())
                throw_parse_exception("Arrays must be homogeneous");
            skip_whitespace_and_comments(it, end);
            if (*it != ',')
            skip_whitespace_and_comments(it, end);
        if (it != end)
        return arr;

    template <class Object, class Function>
    std::shared_ptr<Object> parse_object_array(Function&& fun, char delim,
                                               std::string::iterator& it,
                                               std::string::iterator& end)
        auto arr = detail::make_element<Object>();

        while (it != end && *it != ']')
            if (*it != delim)
                throw_parse_exception("Unexpected character in array");

            arr->get().push_back(((*this).*fun)(it, end));
            skip_whitespace_and_comments(it, end);

            if (it == end || *it != ',')

            skip_whitespace_and_comments(it, end);

        if (it == end || *it != ']')
            throw_parse_exception("Unterminated array");

        return arr;

    std::shared_ptr<table> parse_inline_table(std::string::iterator& it,
                                              std::string::iterator& end)
        auto tbl = make_table();
            if (it == end)
                throw_parse_exception("Unterminated inline table");

            consume_whitespace(it, end);
            if (it != end && *it != '}')
                parse_key_value(it, end, tbl.get());
                consume_whitespace(it, end);
        } while (*it == ',');

        if (it == end || *it != '}')
            throw_parse_exception("Unterminated inline table");

        consume_whitespace(it, end);

        return tbl;

    void skip_whitespace_and_comments(std::string::iterator& start,
                                      std::string::iterator& end)
        consume_whitespace(start, end);
        while (start == end || *start == '#')
            if (!detail::getline(input_, line_))
                throw_parse_exception("Unclosed array");
            start = line_.begin();
            end = line_.end();
            consume_whitespace(start, end);

    void consume_whitespace(std::string::iterator& it,
                            const std::string::iterator& end)
        while (it != end && (*it == ' ' || *it == '\t'))

    void consume_backwards_whitespace(std::string::iterator& back,
                                      const std::string::iterator& front)
        while (back != front && (*back == ' ' || *back == '\t'))

    void eol_or_comment(const std::string::iterator& it,
                        const std::string::iterator& end)
        if (it != end && *it != '#')
            throw_parse_exception("Unidentified trailing character '"
                                  + std::string{*it}
                                  + "'---did you forget a '#'?");

    bool is_time(const std::string::iterator& it,
                 const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto time_end = find_end_of_time(it, end);
        auto len = std::distance(it, time_end);

        if (len < 8)
            return false;

        if (it[2] != ':' || it[5] != ':')
            return false;

        if (len > 8)
            return it[8] == '.' && len > 9;

        return true;

    option<parse_type> date_type(const std::string::iterator& it,
                                 const std::string::iterator& end)
        auto date_end = find_end_of_date(it, end);
        auto len = std::distance(it, date_end);

        if (len < 10)
            return {};

        if (it[4] != '-' || it[7] != '-')
            return {};

        if (len >= 19 && (it[10] == 'T' || it[10] == ' ')
            && is_time(it + 11, date_end))
            // datetime type
            auto time_end = find_end_of_time(it + 11, date_end);
            if (time_end == date_end)
                return {parse_type::LOCAL_DATETIME};
                return {parse_type::OFFSET_DATETIME};
        else if (len == 10)
            // just a regular date
            return {parse_type::LOCAL_DATE};

        return {};

    std::istream& input_;
    std::string line_;
    std::size_t line_number_ = 0;

 * Utility function to parse a file as a TOML file. Returns the root table.
 * Throws a parse_exception if the file cannot be opened.
inline std::shared_ptr<table> parse_file(const std::string& filename)
    boost::nowide::ifstream file{filename.c_str()};
    nowide::ifstream file{filename.c_str()};
    std::ifstream file{filename};
    if (!file.is_open())
        throw parse_exception{filename + " could not be opened for parsing"};
    parser p{file};
    return p.parse();

template <class... Ts>
struct value_accept;

template <>
struct value_accept<>
    template <class Visitor, class... Args>
    static void accept(const base&, Visitor&&, Args&&...)
        // nothing

template <class T, class... Ts>
struct value_accept<T, Ts...>
    template <class Visitor, class... Args>
    static void accept(const base& b, Visitor&& visitor, Args&&... args)
        if (auto v = b.as<T>())
            visitor.visit(*v, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
            value_accept<Ts...>::accept(b, std::forward<Visitor>(visitor),

 * base implementation of accept() that calls visitor.visit() on the concrete
 * class.
template <class Visitor, class... Args>
void base::accept(Visitor&& visitor, Args&&... args) const
    if (is_value())
        using value_acceptor
            = value_accept<std::string, int64_t, double, bool, local_date,
                           local_time, local_datetime, offset_datetime>;
        value_acceptor::accept(*this, std::forward<Visitor>(visitor),
    else if (is_table())
        visitor.visit(static_cast<const table&>(*this),
    else if (is_array())
        visitor.visit(static_cast<const array&>(*this),
    else if (is_table_array())
        visitor.visit(static_cast<const table_array&>(*this),

 * Writer that can be passed to accept() functions of cpptoml objects and
 * will output valid TOML to a stream.
class toml_writer
     * Construct a toml_writer that will write to the given stream
    toml_writer(std::ostream& s, const std::string& indent_space = "\t")
        : stream_(s), indent_(indent_space), has_naked_endline_(false)
        // nothing

     * Output a base value of the TOML tree.
    template <class T>
    void visit(const value<T>& v, bool = false)

     * Output a table element of the TOML tree
    void visit(const table& t, bool in_array = false)
        std::vector<std::string> values;
        std::vector<std::string> tables;

        for (const auto& i : t)
            if (i.second->is_table() || i.second->is_table_array())

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)

            if (i > 0)

            t.get(values[i])->accept(*this, false);

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tables.size(); ++i)

            if (values.size() > 0 || i > 0)

            t.get(tables[i])->accept(*this, false);


     * Output an array element of the TOML tree
    void visit(const array& a, bool = false)

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.get().size(); ++i)
            if (i > 0)
                write(", ");

            if (a.get()[i]->is_array())
                a.get()[i]->as_array()->accept(*this, true);
                a.get()[i]->accept(*this, true);


     * Output a table_array element of the TOML tree
    void visit(const table_array& t, bool = false)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < t.get().size(); ++j)
            if (j > 0)

            t.get()[j]->accept(*this, true);


     * Escape a string for output.
    static std::string escape_string(const std::string& str)
        std::string res;
        for (auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it)
            if (*it == '\b')
                res += "\\b";
            else if (*it == '\t')
                res += "\\t";
            else if (*it == '\n')
                res += "\\n";
            else if (*it == '\f')
                res += "\\f";
            else if (*it == '\r')
                res += "\\r";
            else if (*it == '"')
                res += "\\\"";
            else if (*it == '\\')
                res += "\\\\";
            else if (static_cast<uint32_t>(*it) <= UINT32_C(0x001f))
                res += "\\u";
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(*it);
                res += ss.str();
                res += *it;
        return res;

     * Write out a string.
    void write(const value<std::string>& v)

     * Write out a double.
    void write(const value<double>& v)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << std::showpoint
           << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10)
           << v.get();

        auto double_str = ss.str();
        auto pos = double_str.find("e0");
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
            double_str.replace(pos, 2, "e");
        pos = double_str.find("e-0");
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
            double_str.replace(pos, 3, "e-");

        stream_ << double_str;
        has_naked_endline_ = false;

     * Write out an integer, local_date, local_time, local_datetime, or
     * offset_datetime.
    template <class T>
    typename std::enable_if<
        is_one_of<T, int64_t, local_date, local_time, local_datetime,
    write(const value<T>& v)

     * Write out a boolean.
    void write(const value<bool>& v)
        write((v.get() ? "true" : "false"));

     * Write out the header of a table.
    void write_table_header(bool in_array = false)
        if (!path_.empty())


            if (in_array)

            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < path_.size(); ++i)
                if (i > 0)

                if (path_[i].find_first_not_of("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcde"
                    == std::string::npos)

            if (in_array)


     * Write out the identifier for an item in a table.
    void write_table_item_header(const base& b)
        if (!b.is_table() && !b.is_table_array())

            if (path_.back().find_first_not_of("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcde"
                == std::string::npos)

            write(" = ");

     * Indent the proper number of tabs given the size of
     * the path.
    void indent()
        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < path_.size(); ++i)

     * Write a value out to the stream.
    template <class T>
    void write(const T& v)
        stream_ << v;
        has_naked_endline_ = false;

     * Write an endline out to the stream
    void endline()
        if (!has_naked_endline_)
            stream_ << "\n";
            has_naked_endline_ = true;

    std::ostream& stream_;
    const std::string indent_;
    std::vector<std::string> path_;
    bool has_naked_endline_;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const base& b)
    toml_writer writer{stream};
    return stream;

template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const value<T>& v)
    toml_writer writer{stream};
    return stream;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const table& t)
    toml_writer writer{stream};
    return stream;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const table_array& t)
    toml_writer writer{stream};
    return stream;

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const array& a)
    toml_writer writer{stream};
    return stream;
} // namespace cpptoml
#endif // CPPTOML_H