From a9401b2289656c5a36dd1b0ecebf0d23e291ce70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hongxu Jia <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 23:58:24 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] skip test_symbol_presence

We cannot skip `01-test_symbol_presence.t' by configuring option `no-shared'
as INSTALL told us the shared libraries will not be built.

[INSTALL snip]
 Notes on shared libraries

 For most systems the OpenSSL Configure script knows what is needed to
 build shared libraries for libcrypto and libssl. On these systems
 the shared libraries will be created by default. This can be suppressed and
 only static libraries created by using the "no-shared" option. On systems
 where OpenSSL does not know how to build shared libraries the "no-shared"
 option will be forced and only static libraries will be created.
[INSTALL snip]

Hence directly modification the case to skip it.

Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE Specific]

Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <>
 test/recipes/01-test_symbol_presence.t | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/recipes/01-test_symbol_presence.t b/test/recipes/01-test_symbol_presence.t
index 7f2a2d7..0b93745 100644
--- a/test/recipes/01-test_symbol_presence.t
+++ b/test/recipes/01-test_symbol_presence.t
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
-plan skip_all => "Only useful when building shared libraries"
-    if disabled("shared");
+plan skip_all => "The case needs debug symbols then we just disable it";
 my @libnames = ("crypto", "ssl");
 my $testcount = scalar @libnames;