# HG changeset patch
# User Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
# Date 1602524521 0
# Node ID 57bbefa793232586d27cee83e74411171e128361
# Parent  6e3bc17f05086854ffd2b06f7fae9371f7a0c174
Bug 1641480, TLS 1.3: tighten CCS handling in compatibility mode, r=mt

This makes the server reject CCS when the client doesn't indicate the
use of the middlebox compatibility mode with a non-empty
ClientHello.legacy_session_id, or it sends multiple CCS in a row.

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D79994

Upstream-Status: Backport
CVE: CVE-2020-25648
Reference to upstream patch: https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/rev/57bbefa793232586d27cee83e74411171e128361
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Dubois-Briand <mbriand@witekio.com>

diff --color -Naur nss-3.51.1_old/nss/gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc nss-3.51.1/nss/gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc
--- nss-3.51.1_old/nss/gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc	2022-12-08 16:05:47.447142660 +0100
+++ nss-3.51.1/nss/gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc	2022-12-08 16:12:32.645932052 +0100
@@ -348,6 +348,85 @@
+// The server rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if the client advertises an
+// empty session ID.
+TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterClientHelloEmptySid) {
+  EnsureTlsSetup();
+  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
+  StartConnect();
+  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
+  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));  // Send CCS
+  server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
+// The server rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec even if the client
+// indicates compatibility mode with non-empty session ID.
+TEST_F(Tls13CompatTest, ChangeCipherSpecAfterClientHelloTwice) {
+  EnsureTlsSetup();
+  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
+  EnableCompatMode();
+  StartConnect();
+  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
+  // Send CCS twice in a row
+  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
+  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
+  server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS.
+// The client rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if it advertises an empty
+// session ID.
+TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterServerHelloEmptySid) {
+  EnsureTlsSetup();
+  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
+  // To replace Finished with a CCS below
+  auto filter = MakeTlsFilter<TlsHandshakeDropper>(server_);
+  filter->SetHandshakeTypes({kTlsHandshakeFinished});
+  filter->EnableDecryption();
+  StartConnect();
+  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
+  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello, and
+                         // send ServerHello..CertificateVerify
+  // Send CCS
+  server_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
+  client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+  client_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
+// The client rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec in a row even if the
+// client indicates compatibility mode with non-empty session ID.
+TEST_F(Tls13CompatTest, ChangeCipherSpecAfterServerHelloTwice) {
+  EnsureTlsSetup();
+  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
+  EnableCompatMode();
+  // To replace Finished with a CCS below
+  auto filter = MakeTlsFilter<TlsHandshakeDropper>(server_);
+  filter->SetHandshakeTypes({kTlsHandshakeFinished});
+  filter->EnableDecryption();
+  StartConnect();
+  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
+  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello, and
+                         // send ServerHello..CertificateVerify
+                         // the ServerHello is followed by CCS
+  // Send another CCS
+  server_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
+  client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+  client_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
 // If we negotiate 1.2, we abort.
 TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecBeforeClientHello12) {
diff --color -Naur nss-3.51.1_old/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c nss-3.51.1/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
--- nss-3.51.1_old/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c	2022-12-08 16:05:47.471142833 +0100
+++ nss-3.51.1/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c	2022-12-08 16:12:42.037994262 +0100
@@ -6711,7 +6711,11 @@
     /* TLS 1.3: We sent a session ID.  The server's should match. */
     if (!IS_DTLS(ss) && (sentRealSid || sentFakeSid)) {
-        return sidMatch;
+        if (sidMatch) {
+            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
+            return PR_TRUE;
+        }
+        return PR_FALSE;
     /* TLS 1.3 (no SID)/DTLS 1.3: The server shouldn't send a session ID. */
@@ -8730,6 +8734,7 @@
                 errCode = PORT_GetError();
                 goto alert_loser;
+            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
         /* TLS 1.3 requires that compression include only null. */
@@ -13058,8 +13063,15 @@
             ss->ssl3.hs.ws != idle_handshake &&
             cText->buf->len == 1 &&
             cText->buf->buf[0] == change_cipher_spec_choice) {
-            /* Ignore the CCS. */
-            return SECSuccess;
+            if (ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs) {
+                /* Ignore the first CCS. */
+                ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_FALSE;
+                return SECSuccess;
+            }
+            /* Compatibility mode is not negotiated. */
+            alert = unexpected_message;
         if (IS_DTLS(ss) ||
diff --color -Naur nss-3.51.1_old/nss/lib/ssl/sslimpl.h nss-3.51.1/nss/lib/ssl/sslimpl.h
--- nss-3.51.1_old/nss/lib/ssl/sslimpl.h	2022-12-08 16:05:47.471142833 +0100
+++ nss-3.51.1/nss/lib/ssl/sslimpl.h	2022-12-08 16:12:45.106014567 +0100
@@ -711,6 +711,10 @@
                                            * or received. */
     PRBool receivedCcs;                   /* A server received ChangeCipherSpec
                                            * before the handshake started. */
+    PRBool allowCcs;                      /* A server allows ChangeCipherSpec
+                                           * as the middlebox compatibility mode
+                                           * is explicitly indicarted by
+                                           * legacy_session_id in TLS 1.3 ClientHello. */
     PRBool clientCertRequested;           /* True if CertificateRequest received. */
     ssl3KEADef kea_def_mutable;           /* Used to hold the writable kea_def
                                            * we use for TLS 1.3 */